To HOnour and respect @ Peterborough museum and archives

Back in November 2023, I had the honour of being invited to photograph the To Honour and Respect Exhibition Closing Event at the Peterborough Museum and Archives. This exceptional exhibition, a collaboration between co-curators Laura Peers and Lori Beavis, Royal Collection Trust, the City of Peterborough, Hiawatha First Nation, and Mississauga First Nation saw the return home (for a 7 month visit) of 13 quilled birchbark baskets, or makakoon. These baskets were gifted to Albert Edward, Prince of Wales by the Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg women during his visit to Rice Lake Village in 1860. The makakoon now reside at Osbourne House on the Isle of Wight, as part of the Royal Collection.

Basket made by Lizie Crow. Royal Collection Trust RCIN 84334

Among many things, this visit home created an opportunity for people to reconnect with ancestors, to share knowledge about the significance of the makakoon as gifts, and to honor the intentions of their makers.

If you are interested in learning more about the baskets, their makers, and the work that went into making this exhibit a reality, please visit

Baskets made by Minnie Cobierge, Betsy Simon and Elizabeth Crow ( foreground to background). Royal Collection Trust RCIN 84336, 84308, 84327

Co-Curators Laura Peers and Lori Beavis

Chief Laurie Carr, Hiawatha First Nation

Basket made by Catherine Muskrat, Royal Collection Trust RCIN 84339

Baskets made by Besty Simon and Minnie Cobierge (from left to right). Royal Collection Trust, RCIN 84308, 84366

Basket made by Lizie Crow. Royal Collection Trust, RCIN 84334

Basket made by Margaret Anderson. Royal Collection Trust, RCIN 84333

Basket made by Catherine Muskrat. Royal Collection Trust, RCIN 84339

Additional Resources

For more information about the To Honour and Respect Exhibition, please visit

To learn more about the people and history of Hiawatha First Nation, please visit

For more information about Royal Collection Trust and the work that they do, please visit